MBA degree via distance learning
Climb the career ladder with an MBA degree programme
With us, you can complete distance learning business degree programmes in various areas and obtain an MBA - Master of Business Administration degree, which is very much in demand on the job market. Are you aiming for a management position or preparing for a company succession? Is your company on the verge of digital transformation for the working world 4.0? Or do you want to get fit for logistics tasks in international markets? The MBA courses offered by our partner universities in the zfh network provide the business basics, the necessary specialist knowledge, the required soft skills and the expertise that a manager needs.
The advantages you have with us:
- wide range of disciplines
- distance learning alongside your job
- modern teaching didactics / blended learning
- intensive support
The part-time MBA programmes of our cooperating universities of applied sciences can be easily integrated into everyday life due to the contemporary blended learning concept. It is a mixture of self-study, which is carried out independent of time and place according to individual circumstances, virtual learning components and, depending on the study program, occasional presence units on weekends on site at the universities. Continuous intensive support by study programme coordinators completes the study concept.
Our part-time Master's programs are also popular with companies, and some employers even cover the entire costs of the study programme. Due to the high practical relevance, the study courses of the state universities of applied sciences of the zfh network enjoy a very good reputation among companies. Perhaps your employer will also support you in obtaining comprehensive further education?
Learn management skills with a practical MBA distance learning programme
In many jobs, even professionals with a technical, scientific or humanities background need business know-how and management knowledge, either because their job position requires it or because they are looking for new tasks. Most MBA programmes are aimed precisely at those interested in further education and therefore do not require any special prior knowledge, but also teach the necessary business skills in addition to the content of the chosen specialisation.
The following MBA programmes are offered entirely in English:
Fit for the next step in your career
In order to be eligible for the MBA distance learning programme, a first degree from a university or university of applied sciences, an accredited bachelor's degree from a university of cooperative education or another equivalent degree is generally required. In addition, one year of professional practice after the first university degree is required.
In the three federal states of Rhineland-Palatinate, Hesse and Saarland, particularly qualified professionals who have a university entrance qualification and several years of professional experience can also be admitted to a (subject-matching) MBA distance learning programme via a qualifying examination.