Information for refugees

Links to helpful pages

The zfh coordinates distance learning programmes for universities in the federal states of Rhineland-Palatinate, Hesse and Saarland. If you would like to start a course of study in one of these federal states or in Germany in general, or if you would like to continue a course of study you have already started, you will find information and assistance on the following pages:

On the website of the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community you will find general information for refugees:

The DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst/ German Academic Exchange Service) has set up its own website with information and support services for refugee students and academics from Ukraine:

 Hessen has set up an own information website:

The University of Technology and Economics of the Saarland (HTW) has created a free app with the project DaFür (German as a foreign language for integration) that will help you extend your vocabulary in self-study: 

If you are interested in studying at Koblenz University of Applied Sciences, you can find information on the following website:

Studying in Germany

Information on studying and living in Germany in seven different languages:

Those who want to improve their language skills or for those who want to receive a language certificate that is required at a university, will find information on the following websites. These supra-regional information websites will also help in terms of study preparation and choice of study. 

The following internet platforms are suitable to prepare for a study:

Funding opportunities

The Federal State of Hessen offers scholarships for highly qualified refugees. For more information and the general conditions of eligibility please visit:

BAföG (German Federal Assistance Act) for refugees

BAföG (German Federal Assistance Act) for refugees

Recognised refugees (recognised asylum seekers, refugees who have been awarded refugee status and/or subsidiary protection under Section 8 Para. 2 No. 1 of the Federal Law on Support in Education, (Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz, BAföG)) can apply for BAföG, regardless of how long they have been in Germany. For further information see:

The same applies to tolerated persons and holders of certain humanitarian residence permits who have been in Germany for 15 months uninterruptedly (Voraufenthalt).

Asylum seekers whose asylum applications are still pending cannot apply for BAföG. They will receive support under the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act (Asylbewerberleistungsgesetz AsylbLG). They will have the right to work after three months, but only after a priority examination (Vorrangprüfung) has been conducted.


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