11.Innovations-Management Certificate (En) Application for Innovations-Management Certificate (En) 4 Admission You will receive the notification of admission and study fees by mid-August/ mid-February. 3 Processing The zfh staff will…
12.Innovations-Management MBA (En) Application for Innovations-Management MBA (En) 4 Admission You will receive the notification of admission and study fees by mid-August/ mid-February. 3 Processing The zfh staff will process…
14.Home Career Advancement through distance learning: Choose from over 100 distance learning programs offered at 21 state universities within the zfh-network.
15.zfh The zfh network is the largest provider of accredited distance learning programmes at universities of applied sciences in Germany.
16.Contact Looking for easy access to support and assistance? Find all the relevant contact details and persons from the zfh-network here.
17.Imprint Here you can find the official imprint of the zfh – Zentrum für Fernstudien im Hochschulverbund.
18.About us As the largest German provider, zfh offers over 100 distance learning programs in collaboration with 21 universities, serving more than 6,700 students.
19.How to find us How to get to the zfh network: Here you will find the exact location, parking facilities & bus connections to us.
20.Distance learning at zfh Here is all you need to know about your part-time distance learning programme with zfh. Get informed and start now!
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